The Motivations Behind the Warrior

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I am a woman who's been told who she ought to be. What makes a woman beautiful, and what is not. I am a woman who's heard that a true woman could not be both strong and beautiful, both loud and graceful, both confident and peaceful. I am a woman who has been told she has to be skinny or curvy to be considered a truly beautiful woman. But that is all a lie. God created us in all these complex stunningly beautiful ways and we don't have to sacrifice parts of our identities to embrace that beauty. And that is why I create the art I do.  

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I am Nathasa Rae Anderson I started creating this art collection as a way to honor the strong, beautiful and capable woman in my family. After knowing my mother and aunts and hearing of my grandmothers, and great grandmothers there was always a theme strength, grace and beauty. My very first warrior princess represents the stories I've been told while also honoring my native American roots.  

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One of the loudest lies we've been told especially as we grow older is that women who are loud and possess strong wills are least attractive and no man wants to marry that. That is simply not true and that is the exact type of lies my art was particularly designed to defeat. Each woman warrior I create embodies strength, courage, grace, and beauty. As a visual reminder to all of us that we too can fully embody such traits and still be the very definition of beauty and royalty.

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I will continue to create more and more warrior royals to fight against the lies we've been told. We are beautiful fierce women warriors and it's my desire to create a warrior that best speaks inspiration and encouragment to you. I will create a warrior to encourage you, to embrace your strength and beauty unapologetically. And that is why I create the art that I do. 


My Recent Experiences from Pop Ups